@TheHub we currently offer 2 tailored pathways to support students who may need a more bespoke programme of study to help them remain in mainstream education, prevent exclusion from school, or provide a successful educational setting in cases where a mainstream school alone may no longer be feasible for a young person’s continued study. Our boxing training is either contact or non-contact to suit the participant. All of our coaching and teaching is either delivered by, or supervised by, a colleague with an enhanced DBS.
Pathway 1
Key Stage 4
(suitable for age 15-16 years at Key Stage 4, or students of age 16-18 years studying Level 2/3 qualifications at a further education provider - up to a maximum of 12 hours per week)
This pathway is designed to complement schools and education providers who are trying to support students in Key Stage 4 to successfully remain in mainstream education. We do this by working with our partners to complement a school or education provider’s existing curriculum provision. In addition to the core GCSEs and other qualifications a student will study at his/her school or education provider we provide: boxing training, intensive personal coaching to support a positive mental attitude and improve students’ attitudes to education, and course tuition to achieve additional high-quality qualifications.
Students who take part in our 12 hour per week pathway will receive boxing training leading to an accredited England Box qualification, a BTEC Sport qualification, personal development sessions, and the study of what makes for a healthy lifestyle to achieve positive physical and mental well-being. These qualifications will make a significant contribution to students’ outcomes and their chances of achieving the benchmark 5 “passes” at GCSE. At our Ferndale Road site, we plan a curriculum for our young people which is designed to engage, motivate and meet the needs of each young person working with us. It is important to us that we enhance our young people’s life chances through supporting them to achieve high quality qualifications and providing intensive personal coaching to help them have a positive impact on themselves, their families and their community.
We understand that students who will be referred to us will have a variety of complex needs. Our teaching methods are varied and based on coaching and educational evidence of what works in a gym-based setting. We prioritise developing trust between our lead practitioner Paddy Fitzpatrick and the students in order to create a relationship where honest feedback can be given, and received happily by students, in order to support learners to meet and fulfil their potential. We have significant experience of working with young people who are struggling with a variety of challenges in their lives and we know that before any successful learning and progress can take place academically, a relationship based upon empathy, mutual respect, and trust must be developed.
We anticipate that this alternative provision would span 1 academic year (we can discuss the length of support required with partners and adjust as appropriate). The course hours will be delivered from either Fitzpatrick’s Boxing Gym or a blended approach between the gym and schools/education providers as requested to support learners. The course sessions will be delivered during the school day between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
Alternatively, if schools or education providers would like a version of this pathway that does not include the BTEC sport qualification, as this is not considered appropriate for their young person, we can provide intervention provision that focuses more on boxing training, coaching and personal development for the hours of contact. This can easily be arranged over the same period up to a maximum of 12 hours per week.
Key Stage 3
(suitable for age 11-14 years at Key Stage 3 and up to a maximum of 12 hours per week)
This version of the pathway is designed for students in Key Stage 3 who need an alternative form of provision to support their complex needs. We will offer a tailored programme to support students to develop the personal and learning skills to remain and flourish in a mainstream education setting where they may, currently, be having difficulties. We anticipate that through a period of alternative provision and intervention work with us, young people will develop the personal and learning skills to be a success in their schools and education providers in a way that they have not currently been able to achieve.
Students who take part in our Key Stage 3 pathway will receive: boxing training leading to an accredited England Box qualification, personal development and the study of what makes for a healthy lifestyle to achieve positive physical and mental well-being. In addition to this, we can assess the interests and passions of our young people and personalise their curriculum to include learning/support in subjects such as: art, design, carpentry and woodwork. At our Ferndale Road site, we plan a curriculum for our young people which is designed to engage, motivate and meet the needs of each young person working with us. It is important to us that we enhance our young people’s life chances through supporting them to acquire the skills they need to be a success in mainstream education. Furthermore, we feel passionately about our local community, and we work hard to provide intensive personal coaching to help our students have a positive impact on themselves, their families and their community.
Our teaching methods are varied and based on coaching and educational evidence of what works in a gym-based setting. We prioritise developing trust between our lead practitioner Paddy Fitzpatrick and the students in order to create a relationship where honest feedback can be given, and received happily by students, in order to support learners to meet and fulfil their potential. We have significant experience of working with young people who are struggling with a variety of challenges in their lives and we know that before any successful learning and progress can take place academically, a relationship based upon empathy, mutual respect, and trust must be developed.
We anticipate that this alternative provision would span 1 academic year (we can discuss the length of support required with partners). The course hours will be delivered from either Fitzpatrick’s Boxing Gym or a blended approach between the gym and schools/education providers as requested to support learners. The course sessions will be delivered during the school day between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
Pathway 2
Boxing Training each week (hours to suit student/partner school – recommended 2 hours per week):
Delivered at either our Ferndale Road site, or at the school or education provider’s site in their gym or sports hall, this pathway offers education providers and students the opportunity to take part in physical training in order to support mental health and well-being - and to improve a student’s perception of his/her school or college experience.
We can offer shorter periods of time at our Ferndale Road site, or at your site, with our boxing coaches where students can simply take part in contact and non-contact boxing training, have time to experience life-coaching, and learn to manage some of the feelings that may be causing frustration or negative behaviour and performance outcomes.
We anticipate that these sessions would be delivered over an academic year as an intervention designed to improve students’ views of themselves, their place in the community and their views on participating in their education.
Taster sessions to experience our intervention provision:
We are also happy to offer taster sessions of our interventions for a small cost where students and teachers can come to our Ferndale Road site and experience our offer – or our boxing coaches can come to your site and you can experience our work with your young people.
We hope to see you soon!
To refer a student to @TheHub Swindon and discuss the costs associated with the programme, please contact Paddy Fitzpatrick:
Email: fitzpatricksboxinggym@gmail.com
Telephone 07917 104000.
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